Translational Science

Translational Science

Translational science, applying research discoveries to address health needs, is built on the complex interconnected foundation provided by research in genomics, proteomics, drug discovery, metabolomics and much more. The requirements of translating the life science research building blocks to the clinic and ultimately to improving human health is multi-faceted and requires uncompromising attention to reproducible data, accurate and validated applications across all sample types.

At Gilson, our mission is to enable you to simplify your workflow, improve your data reproducibility and generate verifiable science so that you can advance the molecular mechanisms of many diseases and accelerate therapeutic treatments.

Automation of the Illumina Nextera® XT System DNA Library Prep Workflow on PIPETMAX®

keyword: PIPETMAX, DNA Library Preparation Kit, Plasmids, Small Genomes, Next Generation Sequencing, NGS, Deep Sequencing, Parallel Sequencing

Automation of the Agencourt® AMPure® XP PCR Purification System on PIPETMAX®

keyword: PIPETMAX, PCR amplicons, NGS, Genotyping, Cloning, Fragment analysis, Primer walking, Primer cleanup, DNA Aplification

Flexible Automated Workflow for Kinase Selectivity Profiling using PIPETMAX®

keyword: PIPETMAX, Kinase, Kinase inhibitors, Kinase Profiling, Automated Liquid Handling, Kinase Enzyme Profiling System, Bioluminescence Detection

Sample Integrity in qPCR: Using PIPETMAX® qPCR Assistant to Minimize Contamination

keyword: PIPETMAX, qPCR, qPCR Assistant, Quantitative PCR, Contamination, Assay Automation, Cross-contamination, carryover, Positive and Negative Controls, Automated Sample Processing

Expression of Oxidative Stress Genes in Human Stem Cells in Physiological Versus Atmospheric Oxygen Levels - Poster - Poster

keyword: Oxidative stress gene, PIPETMAX, Gene Expression, Quantitative PCR, qPCR Assistant, Down Syndrome, Trisomy 21 cells, iPSC

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Normalization of DNA and RNA Samples with PIPETMAX® Normalization Assistant

keyword: PIPETMAX, Nucleic Acid  Normalization, Normalization Workflow, Genomic DNA, cDNA, RNA, Isolation  and Purification of Nucleic Acids, Normalization, Bovine DNA

Precise Evaluation of Plant RNA Extraction Methods with Automated RT-qPCR Assay Preparations

keyword: RNA Extraction, qPCR, RT-qPCR, RNA Isolation, RNA purification, qPCR Assistant, PIPETMAX, Assay Preparations, real time-qPCR

Streamlined Purification of Assay-ready Oligonucleotides by Automated HPLC


keyword: Oligonucleotides, qPCR, Next Generation Sequencing, Microarray Analysis, GX-271, Purification, TRILUTION LC

Gene Expression Plant - Virus Study Monitoring Potato Virus Y (PVY) with Real-Time PCR (qPCR) Results Using PIPETMAX 268


keyword: PIPETMAX® 268, PCR, qPCR, Real-Time PCR, Gene Expression, PVY, COX Gene Amplification, Automation, Pipetting System, PIPETMAN®

Automated NGS Library Prep: Ligation Efficiency of NxSeq® Sample Preparation using PIPETMAX 268

keyword: PIPETMAX® 268, Next Generation Sequencing, NGS, Library Prep Automation, gDNA, Automation, Pipetting System, PIPETMAN®

Maximize Information Content from Cell-Based Assays using Multi-parameter Mechanistic Toxicity Profiling


keyword: PIPETMAX®  268, Cell-Based Assay, CBA, Toxic Liability, Toxicity Profiles, Necrosis, Apoptosis, Automation, Pipetting System, PIPETMAN®

qPCR Gene Expression Signature in Peripheral Blood as a Marker of Parkinson's Disease


keyword: PIPETMAX®  268, qPCR, Gene Expression Signature, NGS Libraries, Genomics, Parkinson's Disease, PD, Marker, Automation, Pipetting System, PIPETMAN®

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