Gilson ASPEC® Silica固相萃取柱装载高质量的强极性硅胶基质填料,具有弱酸性,通过氢键作用力可从非极性溶剂中萃取极性化合物。为高效自动化而生的固相萃取柱ASPEC 预盖固相萃取柱专为自动化固相萃取设计,无需在使用前手动装盖,节约您的时间和经费。得益于Gilson全自动固相萃取系统的稳...
ASPEC® ALUMINA-AAcidic ASPEC® Alumina solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridges contain a high-quality, polar sorbent used in the same way as ASPEC® Silica but with a b...
ASPEC® ALUMINA-BBasic ASPEC® Alumina solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridges contain a high-quality, polar sorbent used in the same way as ASPEC® Silica but with a be...
ASPEC® ALUMINA-NNeutral ASPEC® Alumina solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridges contain a high-quality, polar sorbent used in the same way as ASPEC® Silica but with a ...
ASPEC® C4Gilson ASPEC® C4固相萃取柱装载高质量的非极性中等疏水硅胶基质填料,当非极性化合物在C18柱或C8柱中吸附过强时,可用C4柱来替代。为高效自动化而生的固相萃取柱ASPEC 预盖固相萃取柱专为自动化固相萃取设计,无需在使用前手动装盖,节约您的时间和经费。得益于Gilson全自动固相萃取系...
ASPEC® C8Gilson ASPEC® C8固相萃取柱包含高质量的封尾非极性中等疏水性硅胶基质填料,常被用于萃取水溶液中的非极性化合物(如药物)或体液(血浆/血清、尿液)中的多环芳烃(PAH),水中的除草剂等。为高效自动化而生的固相萃取柱ASPEC 预盖固相萃取柱专为自动化固相萃取设计,无需在使用前手动装盖,节...
ASPEC® C18Gilson ASPEC® C18固相萃取柱装载高质量的非极性硅胶基质填料,提供三种不同体积规格。为高效自动化而生的固相萃取柱ASPEC 预盖固相萃取柱专为自动化固相萃取设计,无需在使用前手动装盖,节约您的时间和经费。得益于Gilson全自动固相萃取系统的稳定流速,ASPEC 预盖固相萃取柱具备上样...
ASPEC® C8 NECSilica based ASPEC® C8 NEC solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridges contain high-quality,non encapped, non-polar and moderate hydrophobicity sorbent re...
ASPEC® C18 NECSilica based ASPEC® C18 NEC solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridges contain a high-quality, non-end-capped, non-polar sorbent with a higher retention ...
ASPEC® C18 PLUSSilica based ASPEC® C18 PLUS solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridges contain a high-quality non-polar, endcapped, strongly hydrophobic sorbent recomme...